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FormFactorSelector component

This component allows you to change the form factor of your app’s screen while you’re within the Power Apps Studio. The sizes for the various form factors can be set through a single property of the component.

How do I use it ?

Here are the instructions on how to best use this component inside the Power Apps Studio:

You’re good to go. Simply click on a form factor icon to change your screen’s size (you don’t need to press the ALT key to make it work 😉). Click on the already active icon to rotate the screen 90° and simulate the landscape orientation for your screen.


Here are the properties available to configure the component:


How does it look ?

Here is a capture of how the component looks like and how it works:


HISTORY changes

v1.0 [ 28-mar-2022 ]

** v1.1** [ 11-apr-2022]